Serving The Greater Denver Area

Become A Benefactor

Benefactors of the Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce are among the pillars of our community. Dedicated to giving back, benefactors support like-minded business professionals, creating a bigger impact.

In addition to the intrinsic benefit of meaningful support for the community, Benefactors enjoy increased visibility promoting the growth of their own organizations. Benefits include prominent display of benefactors’ names, logos and messaging across a variety of promotional media.

We would also love to have you and or your employees participate in DJCC events!

How are benefactors’ funds used?

🔹 Event underwriting
🔹 Programming expansion
🔹 Star of David Member Community Support
🔹 Enhanced membership benefits
🔹 Organization operations

Benefactor Levels of Support

Presenting Level: $5000 Contribution or Above

The Staenberg Group & The Staenberg Family Foundation 

Trustee Level: $1800-4999 Contribution

GC2 Professional Services

HCCI Professional Protective Services

IT1 Services

Leader Level: $750-1799 Contribution

Weisbard Dental

First Citizens Bank

Atlas Metal & Iron

InSync Photography

Staenberg-Loup Jewish Community Center

Sustaining Level: $500-649 Contribution

Schad Agency

Arbor Realty Trust

Katchen Company

Supporting Level: $250-499 Contribution

Life Transitions Consulting

Fill out this form to become a Benefactor today!